Lotion Terminology


Tan Extenders;

Tan Extenders are specialized lotions designed to lengthen the life of your tan. They are made to replenish your skin with some of the moisture, nutrients and vitamins that you may lose while tanning, so they are the best tanning bed lotions to use following your sessions or whenever you need a boost of moisture.


Accelerator tanning lotions contain plant extracts and amino acid which stimulates the pigment melanin and naturally develops color. The lotion itself moisturizes the skin and also prevents burning. An accelerator lotion give you more control over the evenness of your tan, and by applying the lotion correctly you can target areas that need tanning more than others.


  • Cosmetic Bronzer: Immediate and temporary results with cosmetic color. Lasts 4-7 days before needing to reapply.

  • DHA Bronzer: DHA is a common ingredient found in bronzer tanning lotion. It can be described as a colorless chemical derived from glycerin. The chemical works by interacting with the amino acids found in dead skin cells to darken the skin tone. Produces color results within 4 hours and typically lasts 7-10 days or longer depending on how often you tan.

  • Natural Bronzer: Contain specifically plant and herbal extracts instead of DHA or chemicals. Common ingredients include caramel and riboflavin, which give an instant boost of color. Higher quality natural bronzer lotions may be formulated with organic ingredients and exotic extracts that aid in the tanning process by increasing oxygen circulation in the epidermis and boosting melanin production. Many of the ingredients found in natural bronzers are moisturizers that support healthy tanning by providing proper moisture to the skin and evening the color, thus preventing streaks and splotches.